What Do _You_ Want To Read

(Photo Credit – Me)

I write about a lot of different stuff here, but, it generally falls into a few central themes.  My hope and goal is that 99% of the time these posts will be of value to someone.  Alas, I know people may be interested in some of my themes, but not others.

With that in mind, this site is categorized by these themes.  (Down the right side or at the bottom.) That way you can click there and read more about a particular theme you are interested in.

Of course, I hope you might come across another theme you were not expecting and find a “gem in the sand” that changes your life.  Who knows! 🙂



WordPress, Web and Technology

I’ve been in technology since I was about 12 – if not earlier if you count me disassembling transistor radios.  Though sometimes I’ll rant about it it’s frustrations, I really do love it – and where it’s going.

The web is an amazing thing.  What people can do today, thanks to the web, is awesome.  Where before you had to troop the the library – information is at yours, and children’s – fingertips.  Where before you had to spend lots of money for programming tools, you, and your children* – can now find it and use it for basically free.

Click here to see my posts on these topics.

* So, you noticed I use the word “children” a couple of times.  I think kids today have amazing opportunities available to them thanks to technology.  I hope they pick them up and run with them.