Quick Hit – Why I Hate Email, and You Should Too (Because It Kills Productivity) 

[Photo: Tim Gouw via Unsplash]

Ever find that it’s noon and you haven’t accomplished anything on your to-do list? Get a productive jump-start on the day with these tasks.

Source: The First Four Things You Should Do Every Workday

My Vistage leader sent this article out.  It so hits the mark.

Over the years, I find myself cycling back to opening email first thing in the morning, then, basically staying there all day.  This article notes “the morning goes by and nothing got done.”  In my case, much to my chagrin, I find that a week has gone by – and the critical things are not done.  It’s times like these when I need reminders like this.

Reading this article will be the best two minutes you spend today.

Make it a great day.

Food for Thought – Integrity

I was in Discount Tire a couple of weeks ago and saw this posted in the store.  Turns out they post it in every store.  Good food for thought to kick off the week.

“Integrity: When you are looking at the characteristics on how to build your personal life, first comes integrity; second, motivation; third, capacity; fourth, understanding; fifth, knowledge; and last and least, experience.

“Without integrity, motivation is dangerous; without motivation, capacity is impotent; without capacity, understanding is limited; without understanding, knowledge is meaningless; without knowledge, experience is blind. Experience is easy to provide and quickly put to good use by people with all other qualities.

“Make absolute integrity the compass that guides you in everything you do. And surround yourself only with people of flawless integrity.” — Karl Eller

(Photo Credit – Yelp.com)

Patience is a Virtue

Hourglass by Rachel

That is a phrase I have heard and used for a long, long time.
Before my Faith, it was more of a cliche I used.
Coming into Faith, I saw it work in my life more and more. Many times completely Faith based where I saw Him work in my life. Many times, just in everyday life.

Next time you are waiting to turn left, across traffic, without a stop light, and you feel like you are not getting a break – just tell yourself “patience is a virtue” and watch what happens.

Now, I’m fully exercising this as I am really reaching out to Him, and giving it all up to him. At times, me being without a job is very unnerving for me and Beautiful. But, He and Faith have come through before, and we know He will again.