Product Thought of the Week – Start Today

My Son Loves Obstacles – Picture by Me.

What are you as a Product Person, Owner and/or Manager, going to do today to bless and serve your people? Your Customer; your Team. Start with people and everything else will just magically happen.

I was only going to post a “one-liner” to LinkedIn today. But, then the Spirit moved me, saying this is too important to “just post a one-liner.” With that, fingers crossed, this will be quick hit post.

As a Product Person, you are probably coming into your day with challenges. (I know; you just rolled your eyes and said, “No Duh!”) Tom Chi says that the medium a Product Person works in is “uncertainty.” I totally agree with that! It’s what makes the job fun! (I know, you just rolled your eyes again.) Now, think about what watercolor artists do with their medium. They for sure use it to find fulfillment and have fun, but they also strive to use it to bring meaning and message to people. We as Product People do the same thing – to bring meaning and message to our people. Value to our customers. The Why to our teams.

What are you going to do today for your people? What message are you brining to your teams? Are you truly giving them the support and backing they need? Are you living your Why for your customer and evangelizing that to your team?

Start with people and everything else will just magically happen, including overcoming those challenges.

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